
The current weather report for South Tyrol

Today's weather

Very sunny weather
High pressure will still guarantee stable weather with winter weather. Very sunny weather with clear skies. Maximum temperatures between 0° and 9°.

Mountain weather

Very sunny weather
High pressure will still guarantee stable weather with winter weather. Very sunny weather with excellent visibility. Winds decreasing, temperatures temporarily rising.

The next days

Sunday and Monday temporarily more cloudy
On Sunday, clouds will arrive from the south, gradually reducing the sunshine. A few snowflakes will be possible on the southern mountain ranges. Temperatures will still be low. Variably cloudy skies are also expected on Monday due to the transit of high clouds, even intense ones. On Tuesday, the weather will be sunnier with clear or slightly cloudy skies. Much sunshine is forecast for Wednesday, with mostly clear skies.

Sunday Monday Tuesday
1°/7° 1°/9° 2°/9°
-8°/-3° -6°/-1° -6°/-2°
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